+49 511 410448-0 info@newsroom.works

7 Essential Planning Steps in “newsroom”

To plan communications in “newsroom”, it is not only important to consider which “Topics” or “Campaigns”, “Activities“ and „Events“ are created. It can also be defined, who the owner (responsible) is, which teams are or could be involved, which markets could be...

6 How to Plan Communication in “newsroom”

Basically, “newsroom” maps the communications cycle and at the same time adapts to the processes of your communications team. The planning is always based on a “Topic” that is relevant and suitable for the positioning of your company, your union or public authority....

4 My settings: What personal settings can I change?

If you have logged in for the first time, you can simply start by getting used to the look & feel and the functionality of “newsroom”. Or you start by completing your profile and telling the system where you’re working, who you’re working with, and what you’re...

5 Roles in “newsroom”

The following roles exist in “newsroom”: Administrator: The role is only available to employees of media.works or Enodia Software. Editor-in-Chief: Can change settings in the backend; can create and edit “Topics”, “Campaigns”, “Activities” and “Events” as well as...

2 Let me in!

“newsroom” is a web-based application that does not need to be installed separately on a local computer. To start “newsroom”, enter the respective Internet address in your browser. Login: https://xxxxxxx.newsroom.works/login The xxxxxx corresponds to the respective...

1 Introduction

Hello and welcome, esteemed users of newsroom! On the following pages of this “User Guide” you will find information about the most important functions of “newsroom” – and how to use them effectively. We have set up “newsroom” in such a way that you can operate it...