+49 511 410448-0 info@newsroom.works

5 Roles in “newsroom”

The following roles exist in “newsroom”: Administrator: The role is only available to employees of media.works or Enodia Software. Editor-in-Chief: Can change settings in the backend; can create and edit “Topics”, “Campaigns”, “Activities” and “Events” as well as...

2 Let me in!

“newsroom” is a web-based application that does not need to be installed separately on a local computer. To start “newsroom”, enter the respective Internet address in your browser. Login: https://xxxxxxx.newsroom.works/login The xxxxxx corresponds to the respective...

1 Introduction

Hello and welcome, esteemed users of newsroom! On the following pages of this “User Guide” you will find information about the most important functions of “newsroom” – and how to use them effectively. We have set up “newsroom” in such a way that you can operate it...

E-Mails to users

When introducing a new tool, communicating with the future users of the tool is most essential. For this purpose, here are two examples for the design of e-mails to the users of newsroom, which can be adapted to the individual needs: Newsroom Mail to...

Essential production steps in newsroom

There are several aspects to consider when creating content with newsroom, such as: Who is responsible for the content? Who reviews which contents? Who is responsible for approving content? newsroom is optimally designed to support the professional production of...